
April Social Media Calendar and Post Ideas for Businesses

February just started, but if you’ve read any of our articles about how to create a social media plan or building out your content calendar, you know that you should plan in advance. So, even though it might sound crazy, now is the perfect time for you to plan your April social media calendar!

In April, we will have already celebrated Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s and even the beginning and end of some of the major sporting events in the U.S. such as March Madness and the Super Bowl. We will even be past Spring Break!

But before you go thinking that April is going to be just a quiet and uneventful month, there are actually plenty of holidays and days of observance to plan for – and to celebrate with your audience.

Read more: 2021 Social Media Calendar for Small Businesses

We know how hard it is to come up with good post ideas for social media. In fact, it’s super easy to run out of post ideas, so that’s why we put this list together for you. When you use the ideas we’ve included here to create content on behalf of your business, you are able to stay fresh in the minds of your ideal customers and build a stronger following online. All good things!

So, even though Easter is really the only major holiday in April, there are lots of other fun “mini” holidays and other days of observance to celebrate, and perhaps even create fun events and deals around, like Burrito Day or World Book Day!

Read more: 27 Social Media Post Ideas for When You Run Out of Ideas

Just remember that you don’t need to celebrate all of these holidays and days of observance – in fact, you shouldn’t. What you should do with this list is find a few that really fit your business; a few that you might be able to profit from that make sense for both your brand and your customers. For example, if you own a computer repair service, you probably won’t be celebrating National Pretzel Day.

The best part about this list? We’ve also included some tips and post ideas to inspire you as you create your own posts. So, check out the holidays and ideas, write down the dates you plan to celebrate, then plan out your social media calendar! 

PS: If you think all of this requires too much effort or you simply don’t have time to plan out your social media posts, check out this article where we tell you how to plan one month of social media content in just one sitting

So, are you ready to plan out your April content? Let’s get started!

April Holidays and Days of Observance

Stress Awareness Month

Do you work in the health industry? Maybe you own a pharmacy or natural products store. Stress Awareness Month is the perfect opportunity to not only to raise awareness about stress, but also to share some tips, products, and services with your audience. Of course, this is not exclusive to health professionals. Most businesses can talk about stress. If you own a spa, for instance, you can create a discount to help people combat their stress with a spa day. If you’re a therapist, you can teach people how to cope with stress, share some interesting tips, and talk about how you coach your patients who suffer from stress.

Distracted Driving Awareness Month

This is one of those causes anyone can – and should – support. Distracted driving can cause accidents and even take lives and unfortunately, it is way too common. People are constantly stressed, feeling like they are running out of time or even multitasking while driving – talking on the phone, eating, etc. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, you can always talk about this issue with your customers via a post on social media or even pledge to support causes that are helping to spread the message further.

Keep America Beautiful Month

Keep America Beautiful Month is an opportunity to raise awareness about simple things we can all do to make a difference… like picking up trash on the beach and in parks or planting a new tree in your backyard. It’s about action. Again, this is one that everyone can talk about, regardless of industry. Set a good example by doing things like picking up the trash around your neighborhood. Perhaps you can revive those tired old planters outside of your storefront and share the before and after on your social media page!

Move More Month

This is another great opportunity for businesses in the health industry. Why not give your customers tips on how they can move a little more every day, or how to exercise properly? If you own a gym or work as a personal trainer, you can offer people a package, a special deal, or a free lesson during the month to jumpstart their personal “move more” initiative. It is also a great opportunity to start a series of social media posts with tips or even go live on Instagram or Facebook to invite people to train with you online.

Read more: 13 Live Stream Content Ideas for Businesses


April Social Media Calendar: Holidays and Days of Observance

April 1st – MLB Opening Day

It’s time to welcome back Major League Baseball. If you own a restaurant, a sports-themed clothing store, or any other kind of business that can profit from sports marketing, this is your moment. Opening day is a major event and you should prepare for it in advance. Perhaps you can create events where you broadcast the games, create stay-at-home packages with drinks and snacks for people to enjoy as they watch the game. If you want some more ideas, check out this post about MLB Marketing and Post Ideas for Businesses! I’m sure you’ll get inspired!

april social media calendar mlb marketing

April 1st – April Fools’ Day

Are you ready to have some fun? Find a creative way to “trick” your audience… just don’t do anything that might cause controversy or compromise your business. For example, don’t offer special deals that don’t exist or advertise something that you don’t actually carry. You don’t want to risk having disappointed customers as McDonald’s did with their April fool prank. Instead, you can create something – for real – that sounds crazy and tell people that it is NOT a prank. You know that weird pineapple pizza people have been asking for? Make April 1st its launch date and have some fun with it!

April 2nd – Walking Day

This is a great post opportunity for those who want to raise awareness for Move More Month or even Stress Awareness Month. Walking is a great way to relieve stress and of course, move more. It also has many other benefits. Whether you’re a fitness trainer or own a shoe store, you can benefit from creating content for Walking Day. Share some tips, give people discounts on walking-related items, or just inspire them with an inspirational story or quote!

April 2nd – Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

I will definitely be celebrating because I love peanut butter and jelly pancakes! If you own a restaurant, this is a great day for you to celebrate, too, especially if you have dishes with peanut butter and jelly in them. Remind your customers to come in and enjoy them or order them online. If you don’t have anything like this on the menu, this is a great opportunity to create something new. Offer it all week (or all month) long… or if the response is positive, you could even make them a permanent part of your menu!

April 2nd – Autism Awareness Day

Autism Awareness Day is a good opportunity for people who work with those who have autism to share some insights and help people learn more about it. Perhaps you can help parents identify it in their children, teach people with autism how to manage it, or share a list of books, movies, and television shows that feature characters with autism that you think people should check out.

April 4th – Easter

Easter provides businesses with an awesome opportunity to spread some joy to people’s lives with some fun and different marketing ideas. For example, you could promote an Easter egg hunt for your followers… even if your customers are older kids, teenagers, or adults! You’re never too old to have fun. Be sure to offer some cool prizes! If you want to go bigger, you could create a full event for the holiday, for example, if you’re a restaurant owner who is going to be offering an Easter brunch.

Source: Agent 42

April 5th – Deep Dish Pizza Day

There’s nothing like deep dish pizza. People from Chicago know exactly what we are talking about. This delicious dish deserves to be celebrated, and not just by people in the WIndy City. If you own a pizza restaurant, why not create some deep dish pizza options during this week or the entire month of April? We are sure your customers will at least be curious about it and place an order. Then, you can use their feedback to create some testimonial posts to entice other people to try it out, too!

April 6th – National Burrito Day

Pizza and burritos? This is the best week ever! If you own a Mexican restaurant, this is the perfect opportunity to create a burrito day deal. You could offer a discount on your burrito platters or offer guests a free drink with a deluxe burrito. In the end, if this is a success – and we’re positive it will be – you can definitely make it a thing and create a Burrito Day every month!

April 7th – World Health Day

This is another great post opportunity to complement your strategy for Stress Awareness Month or Move More Month, since both of those month-long initiatives are related to health. Even if you’re not talking about these topics, you can still post something on World Health Day. Help your audience to be healthier, whether it’s their bodies and minds. You don’t necessarily need to be in the health industry to do that, either. Let’s say you own a restaurant, natural products store, or even a school. You can find a way to relate what you do to public health and you can create a strong post to help your followers.

April 10th – Hug Your Dog Day

You don’t need a special day to hug dogs… in fact, every day should be “hug your dog day.” However, if you work with dogs – or just love them a lot – why not share something fun and cute on this day? If you own a pet shop, it’s the perfect day to celebrate your love for canines! If you own a vegan brand or support a local dog shelter, share more about your love for animals with your customers. If you have a storefront that is pre-friently, stock up on treats so you have a good excuse to hug more dogs. Don’t forget to take pictures of your happy pup visitors and share them on social media!

April 12th – Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

How can something so simple be soooo good? This modest dish deserves the spotlight all year round, but especially on this day. So, if you serve grilled cheese sandwiches at your restaurant, create a special offer or even a combo meal and advertise it on social media! We’re sure all cheese lovers will go crazy for it.

April 16th – Wear Pajamas to Work Day

This is a great opportunity to have a little bit of fun with your team! If you have some employees, invite them to wear pajamas to work on that day – and you have to wear pajamas too, of course. Take pictures and share them throughout the day to give people a glimpse behind the scenes of your business. This will be a fun experience for the team and also your customers and followers!

April 20th – Chinese Language Day

Do you have Chinese roots? Is your business somehow related to China? If so, this is the perfect day to share a little something about Chinese language and culture. Perhaps you can post some fun facts, teach your followers a little bit of the language, or share some interesting information most people don’t know – like the truth about the “Chinese” fortune cookie. This is a great way to display your expertise and build trust.

April 21st – Kindergarten Day

If you own a kindergarten or work with kids, you can definitely celebrate Kindergarten Day, which honors the birthday of Friedrich Wilhelm August Frobel, the man who created the first kindergarten. Create a post with some facts about the history of Kindergartens, or share some highlights of your own. It’s also a great opportunity to have fun with the kids and create a special day for them to enjoy!

April 21st – Administrative Professionals’ Day

Celebrate the people who help your business run smoothly! If you have an administrative staff member (or members), today is the day to shout them out on social media. Share how much they mean to you and invite people to leave them some love in the comments. If you own a retail store, why not offer a special discount to administrative professionals? Even though it’s a very niched day of observance, there are many businesses that can post something relevant.

April 23rd – World Book Day

Books are such an amazing way for anyone to grow and learn. If you own a bookstore, you already know this and you should definitely make a big deal out of this day. In fact, you probably should make the entire month of April one big celebration!

Offer people discounts on books, create some special book-related events, and do a book giveaway on your social media pages! Offer your best book recommendations in each genre, create polls and question boxes to ask people about their favorite books, and invite local authors to speak on your store or even online with you on a live stream.

Even if you are not a bookstore owner, you can still have fun with World Book Day. If people love reading books in your coffee shop, share something about that. If there’s a book that you think would help people excel in your niche, create a post about it. 

Books are incredible and worth celebrating beyond World Book Day. Don’t let this day pass without sharing your love for books with your social media followers!

April 26th – Pretzel Day

Calling all fans of this German favorite… it’s April 26th, and it’s Pretzel Day! If you own a restaurant that has pretzels on the menu, today is your day. Offer a discount or a BOGO deal on your pretzel items. Or, you could create a video to teach people how to make pretzels at home. Or, you could simply create a top-five list of your favorite pretzel dipping sauces. This will be sure to spark some fun debate on your page!

April 29th – International Dance Day

Dancing makes people feel free and happy, and ideally, we’d all be finding some time to dance and move our bodies every day. Use this occasion to remind people to join you in five minutes of dance! Post something about the benefits of dancing, talk about the various kinds of dance people enjoy, or, if you own a dance studio, offer people a free in-person or online dance lesson! 

April 30th – International Jazz Day

Do you own a jazz club? Do you sell musical instruments? Teach people to play? If so, this is the perfect opportunity for you to celebrate this special day with your audience. Create posts promoting your business, share a special deal for this date, or just share your knowledge about jazz. It has such a rich history and there are so many unknown legends you could talk about. Maybe you want to create some video content of yourself playing jazz or interviewing some local jazz musicians! No matter what you do, we know your customers will love it.

April 30th – Arbor Day

No matter what you do, Arbor Day is a worthwhile day of observance to celebrate. This day was created and is supported by many countries as a day to encourage individuals to plant trees. Of course, not everyone can plant a tree, but there are some ways people can support the cause.

As a business owner that is part of a community, you should use your voice and influence to help raise awareness about the need for sustainability. If you already do things to make your business more sustainable, share why you do it. 

If you want to make a financial pledge, create an Arbor Day initiative where a certain percentage of your profits for the week will go to a local cause. Or, use your platform to recommend some organizations that do great work when it comes to planting trees; something similar to this post from Martha Stewart. We are still not sure if we are going to plant some trees on Arbor Day, but we do recommend the app Forest, a productivity app that allows you to help to plant real trees!

We can’t wait to see what you do! Don’t forget to tag us using the hashtag #GrowingTheBiz so we can see and share your work. And don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest for some more inspiration and ideas!

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